Future Scholars

Future Scholars

NCPA provides academic, social and college support. The program is designed for students whose parents have not earned a four-year college degree. Students must also have financial need; typically those who are eligible for free/reduced lunch qualify.

A group of students playing jenga

Make College a Reality

NCPA provides academic, social and college support. The program is designed for students whose parents have not earned a four-year college degree. Students must also have financial need; typically those who are eligible for free/reduced lunch qualify.

Students in NCPA will have the opportunity to:

  • Follow a college-preparatory academic schedule throughout high school.
  • Receive direct academic and personal support from an NCPA staff member.
  • Attend interactive summer camps at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln.
  • Participate in community service and leadership activities.
  • Be paired with a peer mentor.

Scholars who successfully complete NCPA requirements and maintain basic eligibility requirements will receive full financial assistance to pay the cost of college—including tuition, books, housing and meals, and fees.

A group of NCPA students huddled together smiling and laughing

Basic Eligibility Requirements

  • Current 8th grade student whose parents never earned a four-year degree.
  • Qualify for the free/reduced-price lunch program.
  • Nebraska resident and U.S. citizen or eligible non-citizen.
  • Will attend 9th-12th grade at Grand Island Senior High, Omaha North High School, Omaha South High School, Winnebago High School or Omaha Bryan High School.
  • Has B average or above in middle school classes of math, science, social studies and English.
  • Prepared to take Algebra 1-2 as a freshman.
  • Commitment from parent or guardian.
  • Prepared to take honors courses freshman year.

Information Sessions

Learn more about how the Nebraska College Preparatory Academy can help you achieve personal and academic success.

Attend an Information Session

Application Process

1. Complete Application
In order to be considered for review, you need to complete all application materials. 

  • Omaha's priority application deadline is November 1. NCPA will accept and review applications on a rolling basis until all spots are filled.
  • The application deadline for Grand Island future scholars is March 1.

Apply Now

2. The Interview Process
If selected as a semi-finalist, you and your family will interview with the NCPA team for final selection. Please refer to the letter you received for further instructions on selecting an interview time.

Contact Us

We're available and online during regular business hours to support you in any way we can. We encourage you to reach out to us if you have any questions or concerns about NCPA or the application process.

Email: ncpa@unl.edu
Phone: 402-309-6239
Spanish Phone: 531-249-8208

Support NCPA

NCPA's donor base shares a common commitment to serving first-generation income-eligible students and communities.

Learn how you can support NCPA and their mission to serve first-generation, low-income students who aim to graduate with a college degree.

Support NCPA

If you would like to learn more about how you or your organization can help support NCPA's efforts, please contact:

Joanna Nordhues
Assistant Vice President
University of Nebraska Foundation